Stock out iha HNGV: Vital 17%, Esensial 23%, Nesesariu 13% Featured

By Ekipa INDEPENDENTE Abril 24, 2024 720
Aimoruk vital Cefuroxime Powder for syrup. Foto:Google. Aimoruk vital Cefuroxime Powder for syrup. Foto:Google.

DILI: Diresaun Servisu Apoiu Diagnostika no Terapêutiku, Hospital Nasionál Guido Valadares (HNGV), hasai lista aimoruk stock out iha HNGV.

Tuir lista ne’ebé hasai iha 19 Abril 2024 ne’e, hatudu katak daudauk ne’e Hospital Nasionál Guido Valadares (HNGV) hasoru hela problema menus aimoruk.

Tuir lista ne’ebé INDEPENDENTE asesu, aimoruk ne’ebé stock out iha Hospital Nasionál Guido Valadares (HNGV) kompostu husi Essentially Drug List (EDL) ka lista medikamentu esensial husi item 405, item 78 ka 19% mak stock out.

Bazeia ba lista EDL kategoria aimoruk ne’ebé stock out mak aimoruk vitál item 18 husi 108 ka 17%, esensiál item 50 husi 218 ka 23%, nesesáriu 10 husi 79 ka 13%, no konsumaveis item 66 husi item 440 ka 15%.

Tuir mai lista aimoruk ne’ebé stock out iha HNGV:

Aimoruk Vital

  1. Cefuroxime Powder for syrup
  2. Cloxacillin Powder for oral solution
  3. Ergometrine hydrogen maleate Injection
  4. Calcium gluconate Injection
  5. Ceftriaxone Powder for injection
  6. Clopidrogel
  7. Diazepam injection
  8. Ephedrine HCL
  9. Gentamicin sulfate
  10. Glyceryl trinitrate Injection
  11. Haloperidol tablet
  12. Insulin human intermediate‐acting (as compound insulin zinc suspension or isophane insulin)
  13. Insulin human soluble short-acting Injection
  14. Ketamine (HCL) injection
  15. Midazolam injection
  16. Potassium Chloride injection
  17. Salbutamol sulfate Injection
  18. Sodium nitroprusside Powder for infusion

Aimoruk Esensial

  1. Acetylsalicylic acid Tablet
  2. Acetylsalicylic acid Tablet
  3. Aciclovir (Acyclovir) Powder for injection
  4. Aciclovir (Acyclovir) Tablet
  5. Amoxicillin 500 mg + clavulanic acid 125 mg scored tablet 
  6. Allopurinol tablet
  7. Azithromycine tablet
  8. Benztropine injection
  9. Benztropine mesylate Tablet
  10. Caffeine citrate injection
  11. Cefixime trihydrate Capsule
  12. Colchicine tablet
  13. Clonidine Injection solution
  14. Clotrimazole Vaginal tablet (or pessary with applicator)
  15. Chlorpromazine hydrochloride Injection
  16. Chlorpromazine hydrochloride Tablet
  17. Chlorpromazine hydrochloride Tablet
  18. Codeine phosphate Scored Tablet
  19. Diclofenac Sodium Injection
  20. Dexamethazone 1%, 5 ml, eye drops
  21. Fluoromethanol + Neomycin 0.1% eye drops
  22. Folic Acid tablet
  23. Glibenclamide scored tablet
  24. Glucose (dextrose) Injectable solution hypertonic
  25. Hydralazine hydrochloride Tablet
  26. Hydrochlorothiazide Tablet scored
  27. Metformin hydrochloride Tablet
  28. Metronidazole scored Tablet
  29. Morphine (sulfate or HCL) injection
  30. Morphine (sulfate or HCL) Oral liquid
  31. Multivitamin Oral liquid
  32. Multivitamin tablets
  33. Natamycine Opthalmic Suspension
  34. Pilocarpine HCL or Nitrate 2%; 5ml, Eye drops
  35. Povidone iodine
  36. Prednisolone Na phosphate 1%,  5ml,  eye drops
  37. Phenobarbital sodium IV injection
  38. Prednisolone Na phosphate 1%,  5ml,  eye drops
  39. Prednisolone Tablet
  40. Propylthiouracil Tablet
  41. Promethazine HCL injection
  42. Propofol injection
  43. Rabies immunoglobulin Injection
  44. Tobramycin 3% + dexamethazone  0.1%, 5ml eye drops
  45. Tropicamide Eye drops
  46. Tranexamic acid injection
  47. Vancomycin powder for injection
  48. Vitamin B6; pyridoxine tablet
  49. Vitamin K Tablet
  50. Warfarin tablet

Aimoruk Nesesariu

  1. Aluminium hydroxide Tablet
  2. Benzoic acid + salicylic acid Ointment or cream
  3. Ergotamine tartrate + caffeine tablet
  4. Fluconazole Injection
  5. Fluoxetine
  6. Glucose (dextrose) Injectable solution hypertonic
  7. Methotrexate sodium tablet
  8. Lactulose Syrup
  9. Sulfasalazine Suppository
  10. Tetracaine Hydrochloride Eye Drops

Item espesializadu

  1. Ampicilin + Sulbactam powder for injection
  2. Anti tetanus Serum (ATS)
  3. Acetylsalicylic acid Tablet
  4. Atenolol
  5. Baclofen tablet
  6. Benzhexol Hydrochloride
  7. Betahistine Mesilate
  8. Botox Injecion
  9. Brimonidine eye drop
  10. Calcitriol Capsule
  11. Calcitriol Suspention
  12. Clindamycin phosphate Injection
  13. Chlordiazepoxide
  14. Clobazam Tablet
  15. Clobetasol Topical Cream
  16. Clonazepam Tablet
  17. Conjugated estrogen
  18. Cyclopentolate Hydrochloride Eye Drop
  19. Deferasirox Tablet
  20. Deferoxamine Tablet
  21. Diclofenac sodium Eye drop
  22. Domperidone Tablet
  23. Dutasterida (0.5mg) & Tansulosina (0.4mg) tablet
  24. Ethyl Chloride Topical Anaestetic Spray
  25. Flumazenil Injeksi
  26. Flunarizin Tablet
  27. Gentamycine Topical Cream
  28. Hypermellose/Moisturising eye drops
  29. Human Insulin ( Biosulin) Mixtard 30/70
  30. Hydroxychloroquine
  31. Itraconazole
  32. Imatinib tablet
  33. Ka-en 3B Infusion
  34. Ketorolac Eye drop
  35. Ketorolac trometamol Injeksi
  36. Latanoprost Eye drop
  37. Labetalol HCl Injeksi
  38. Levodopa/carbodopa/entacapone tablet
  39. Loratadine tablet
  40. Magnesium Sulphate Powder
  41. Meclizina Tablet
  42. Methylprednisolone oral
  43. Methylprednisolone tab
  44. Methylprednisolone injeksi
  45. Minocycline
  46. Norethisterone tablet
  47. Nimodipin Labesfal
  48. Ondansetron Injeksi
  49. Ondansetron tablet
  50. Polymyxin B sulfate + Neomycin sulfate + Fludrocortisona acetate + Lidocain HCl Ear drop
  51. Propranolol oral Suspention
  52. Phenylephrine HCl Eye Drop,solution
  53. Piperacilin+ Tazobactam injeksi
  54. Riluzole tablet
  55. Risperidone tablet
  56. Rivaroxaban Tablet
  57. Sildenafil
  58. Siladex Cough & Cold (Dextromethorphan HBr,Doxylamine Succinate,Pseudoephedrine
  59. Sodium Chloride eye drop
  60. Surfactan Injection
  61. Terlipressin Acetate Injection
  62. Tamoxifen
  63. Triamcinolone Acetonoide inj
  64. Triamcinolone cream
  65. Trichloroacetic acid Solution
  66. Ursodeoxycholic Acid tablet
  67. Ursodeoxycholic Oral suspension


  1. Alcohol Swab 70% Isopropyl Alcohol
  2. Antibacterial/Viral Filter
  3. Autoclave sterelization Bag for Instrument Self-Sealing
  4. Autoclave sterelization Bag for Instrument Self-Sealing
  5. Autoclave sterelization Bag for Instrument Self-Sealing
  6. Autoclave sterelization Bag for Instrument Self-Sealing
  7. Bandage Cotton White open weave W.O.W
  8. Bandage Cotton White open weave W.O.W
  9. Bandage Cotton White open weave W.O.W
  10. Bandage Crepe Stertched Roll
  11. Suction Catheter no 6
  12. Catheter Foley's 3-5 ML Balloon 2 Way, sterile
  13. Catheter Foley's 3-5 ML Balloon 2 Way, sterile
  14. Catheter Urinary Folley Baloon 3 Way
  15. Diathermy plate (Patient return electrode) with cable Adult
  16. Developer automatic processing (Fuji Hunt)
  17. Endo Tracheal Tube opaque line oral/nasal with Cuffed
  18. Formalin ( Formaldehyde )
  19. Film rapid processing (Fuji Medical X-Ray Film 100 NIF)
  20. Gloves VINYL, Examination non-sterile
  21. Gloves Surgeon Latex Cuffed
  22. Gloves gynaecological sterile
  23. Gloves gynaecological sterile
  24. Laringeal mask airway
  25. Laringeal mask airway
  26. Laringeal mask airway
  27. Nasal Oxygen Cannula twin plastic
  28. Nylon 2/0 (M3) 26mm, 75cm  3/8 circ
  29. Nylon 3/0 (M2) 26mm,70cm  1/2 circ, Rev Cut
  30. Pleural Catheter
  31. Pleural Catheter
  32. Pleural Catheter
  33. Pleural Catheter
  34. Resusitator Unit (Ambu)
  35. Resusitator Unit (Ambu)
  36. Ring Pessary
  37. Syringe Disposable with needle 0.8 x 40mm
  38. Scalpel blades
  39. Scalpel blades
  40. Scalpel blades
  41. scalpel blades
  42. Self-seal Sterilzation Pouch
  43. Scalp vein sets
  44. Specullum vaginal Duckbill
  45. Specullum Vaginals Graves
  46. Specullum Vaginals Graves
  47. Specullum Vaginals Graves
  48. Specullum Vaginals Graves
  49. Stics element
  50. Stick omnipro
  51. Stics Gluco auto A
  52. Synth Abs Braided violet (Vicryl) 3 (M2)
  53. 70cm 1/2-cir 26mm RB
  54. Synth Abs Brided Violet (Vicryl) 0 (M3.5) 90cm 1/2-Cir 36mm RB
  55. Synth Abs Brided Violet (Vicryl) 1 (M 4) 90cm 1/2-Cir 45mm RB
  56. Synth Abs Brided Violet (Vicryl) 2 (M3) 75cm 1/2-Cir 35mm RB
  57. Synth Abs Brided Violet (Vicryl) 2/0 (M 3) 90cm 1/2-Cir 26mm RB
  58. Synth Abs Brided Violet (Vicryl) 3/0 (M 3) 75cm 1/2-Cir 27mm RB
  59. Termometer Clinical Digital omron
  60. Tracheostomy tube with Cuff (With Introducer)
  61. Tracheostomy tube with Cuff (With Introducer)
  62. Triangular Bandage, cotton
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