Anti-Corruption Commission Steps Into Government Car Scandal Featured

By INDEPENDENTE September 16, 2018 235

DILI: Timor-Leste’s Anti-Corruption Commission (CAC) will lead an inspection into the usage of government vehicles amid an on-going situation that has left 53 vehicles unaccounted for.

CAC has pushed to investigate both current parliamentary member’s Prado 4x4 vehicles, and cars used by former members of parliament that have not been returned since the new government was sworn in on June 22, 2018.

Members of the outgoing legislature were allowed to sell their vehicles in private auctions for US$8000. However many cars, and the proceeds of the private auctions remain unaccounted for.

Rojerio Salsinha de Ara, CAC’s Director, said public citizens should not be profiting from sale of state-owned assets.

"We have talked with the President of the Parliament, he himself has sent a letter to the ex-parliament members but until now the Prado cars that have been auctioned from the previous slots have not been returned so we will work with them to reverse the situation," Salsinha told National Parliament on Wednesday.

He said CAC was not authorised to claim if a government member was “guilty or not” of irresponsible use of state assets – that was the “role of the courts.”

The involvement of CAC has drawn criticism from lead civil society members who say unaccounted state cars were now a legal issue.

Jose Alves da Costa, the Director of Luta Hamutuk, said police should be immediately brought in to cease the 53 missing vehicles as they were state property purchased by state money.

Luis de Oliveria, Director of the Judicial System Monitoring Program (JSMP), said the issue should be submitted to the court for its guidance.

Earlier this month Arao Noe, the President of Parliament called for court involvement.

Salsinha said CAC”s investigation would start after the 2018 budget was approved.

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