Parliament To Review Oecusse Development Project Featured

By Cristina Ximenes October 08, 2018 363

DILI: Mari Alkatiri was called to deliver a status report to National Parliament about the Special Administrative Region of Oé-Cusse Amben, with a second round of State funding hinging on a fifty percent completion of tasks.

The President of the Special Zones for the Social Market Economy of Timor-Leste (ZEESM) said 182 projects had been developed since 2015.

This included the construction of the Oecusse airport, roads, bridges and irrigation systems.

Speaking after the address on Wednesdayday, Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak said he had been impressed by the report.

While parliament is set to review the final ZEESM report before approving a continuation of development activities in Oecusse, Ruak said Alkatiri’s speech demonstrated activities had exceeded the needed 50 per cent target for approval.

"We are very happy because President ZEEMS OEKUSI can report all activities carried out in ZEEMS including financial statements, '' Ruak said.

Initial estimates of the ZEESM project showed it would require investment of US$4.11 billion by 2025, of which US$2.44 billion would be spent between 2014-2018 on developing infrastructure.

Of the total, 67% or US$2.75 billion was to be funded by the State and the remaining US$1.36 billion was to be secured within the private sector.

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