Crime (21)

DILI: Despite calls from the High Court claiming that he had missed his scheduled court appearance to defend corruption allegations, the National Congress for Timorese Reconstruction (CNRT) party is sticking by its Secretary General Francisco Kalbaudy Lay. Lay had been nominated for commerce, tourism and sports minister, but rejected by…


DILI: Five members of martial arts gangs have been jailed for grooming youth and conducting illegal martial arts combat training in the Becora region.


DILI: Timor-Leste police are investigating members of its Community Sector Program after an officer entered a church in Bidau Motael on Sunday wielding a gun and threatening the congregation.


DILI: Timor-Leste’s criminal investigation police (PSIK) have arrested a Chinese man alleged to have carried out the bombing of two shipping containers suspected to carry explosive material in March 2018 off the coast of Dili. 


DILI: Timor-Leste’s top court of appeal has dismissed the Fretilin party’s petition for a recount of votes after losing power in the May 12 general election. Fretilin had called to have votes in four districts recounted after it suffered a heavy swing against it from voters switching to the new…


DILI: Timor-Leste police have identified suspects in the beating of young street vendors from Oecusse in Tasi Tolu last week. Police are hunting for the perpetrators after a spate of alleged attacks on people from Oecusse working in the capital of Dili.


DILI: Allegations that the Parliamentary Majority Alliance (AMP) used martial arts gangs to influence voters will be brought to light, as the Suai general court prepares to hand down a ruling that could lead to the political party being stamped with illegal conduct.


DILI - A joint operation conducted at dawn on 9 September between Timor-Leste national police (PNTL) and Australia’s marine police, the Sea Shepherd, has resulted in the raid of the Chinese owned Hong Long Fisheries / Pingtan Marine Enterprises fleet at anchor off the coast of Com.


DILI: Thirteen university students arrested by police for allegedly damaging state vehicles were released from prison on Thursday, after the Dili District court said the case had “no evidence.”


DILI: Former Minister for Public Works Domingos Cairo will be jailed for three and half year for abuse of power for awarding a lucrative road construction contract outside official tender process.


DILI – Two escaped convicts from a Bali jail were hiding out in Dili’s luxurious hotel Novu Turismo when Timor-Leste police arrested them on Thursday morning.


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