Jose Sarito Amaral

Jose Sarito Amaral

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BALIBO: Journal of Independente has been awarded the media-outlet of the year in the National Press Council’s 2019 awards contest.


DILI: Timor-Leste rounded out its fourth week of no new COVID-19 cases, the health authority reported.


DILI:Timor-Leste’s security watchdog described the nation’s containment of the coronavirus as testament to the government’s “decisive action” and the “strength and resilience of our people” in a statement published on Friday, but warned future curtailment efforts must “soften the economic blow” to citizens.

Friday marked nearly three weeks since a new COVID-19 case was confirmed in the country.


DILI: A Dili-based laboratory has started reporting test results for COVID-19 independently for the first time, without the need for verification from a secondary site in Darwin, Australia.


DILI:A lead investigator in Timor-Leste’s open budget survey has said the country is “stuck below acceptable levels”, and warned that more progress is needed for it to meet “adequate” budget transparency and oversight under international standards.


DILI: National Parliament voted on Monday to extend Timor-Leste’s state of emergency aimed at stemming the spread of the coronavirus by four weeks to 27 May.


DILI:  National leaders, past and present, have paid their respect for American-born physician Dan Murphy, who died of a cardiac arrest at his home in Dili on Tuesday night.

The founder of the Bairo Pite Neighbourhood clinic remembered for his dedication to access to health for the vulnerable and his compassion.


DILI:Timor-Leste’s government has expanded its coronavirus travel ban to include foreign citizens who have travelled through Italy, South Korea and Iran in the last four weeks.


DILI: Xanana Gusmão's majority coalition has formally nominated him to replace Taur Matan Ruak as Prime Minister, if the President of the Republic approves the alternative government.


DILI:Former Timor-Leste President Jose Ramos Horta says Xanana Gusmão must take over as Prime Minister to steer the country away from a political and economic crises.


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