
World (23)

DILI: Timor-Leste national police (PNTL) have arrested 46 students at a West Papua independence solidarity protest in Dili, amid accusations the group failed to get permission to hold their demonstration in public.

DILI: U.S energy group ConocoPhillips has said it will dismantle its Bayu Undan oil and gas platform in the Timor Sea by January 2022, when the oil and gas field is expected to become empty, Jose Lobato ConocoPhilip’s Timor-Leste Director said on Wednesday during a meeting with Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak.

DILI: Timor-Leste’s National Parliament voted in favour Tuesday of a legislative package that will allow ratification of a maritime border treaty with Australia.

The historic Border Treaty stipulates how the neighbouring countries will share oil and gas riches lying beneath the Timor- Sea.

DILI: A Timorese couple detained in Indonesia on allegation of drug smuggling into the country face a lengthy extradition battle that may not end well, Minister of Justice Manuel Cárceres da Costa, has said.

Drug trafficking in Indonesia is a crime punishable by execution under the country's tough smuggling laws.

DILI: The Governments of Timor-Leste and Australia are poised to conclude the ratification of the permanent maritime boundary treaty between the two countries on 30 August, Fidelis Mangalhaes the Minister of Legislative Reform Affairs (MRLAP) said.

DILI: The Governments of Timor-Leste and Australia are poised to conclude the ratification of the permanent maritime boundary treaty between the two countries on 30 August, Fidelis Mangalhaes the Minister of Legislative Reform Affairs (MRLAP) said.

DILI:Timor-Leste has completed its purchase of Royal Dutch Shell and ConocoPhillips’ stakes in the Greater Sunrise natural gas fields off the south coast of the country, the government said Tuesday.

The combined US$650 million transaction gives TIMOR GAP, the national oil company of Timor-Leste, a 56.56% interest in the Greater Sunrise Fields alongside continuing partners, Woodside (operator) with a 33.44% interest and Osaka Gas with 10%.

DILI: Indonesia’s Ambassador to Timor-Leste moved to reassure Timor-Leste’s security forces on Saturday that the Indonesian government was committed to working with Timor-Leste to stop illegal fishing and drug smuggling amid fears of porous borders attracting illegal activity.

DILI:  Timor-Leste has failed to maintain its improving ranking in a global measure of government corruption, dropping back three scores in 2018 after making steady progress until 2016.

DILI: Australia’s Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has rejected suggestions of bullying against Timor-Leste in oil and gas negotiations and says its time to “revitalise” the friendship during her visit to Timor-Leste.

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