Under Timor-Leste Constitution new government’s must present their program to National Parliament within 30 days of inauguration. The Alliance for Change and Progress (AMP) party was inaugurated on 22 June.
''If the Government does not bring the program to National Parliament within 30 days then we will do another early election, '' Duarte Nunes of the National Congress for Timorese Reconstruction (CNRT) party said in National Parliament on Wednesday.
Nunes then clarified the comment saying he was confident Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak would deliver their program on time once his full government cabinet had been sworn in.
President Francisco “Lo Olo” Gutteres has refused to swear in 11 proposed cabinet members because of corruption investigations.
Adriano do Nasimento, of the Democratic Party, said the government’s cabinet issue was not an excuse to fail on State Program delivery.
Nasimento said delays in having a second inauguration for the nine outstanding cabinet members was “no fault” of the National Parliament, but reflected the competence between the Head of Government and the Head of State.
"To be inaugurated or not it is not our problem, we in National Parliament work in accordance with the constitutional rules, we only know that in the next 30 days the government should bring the program to NPs otherwise the Government will fall," he added.