Gastao-Marcos has stepped down from the candidate minister, is expected that other candidates may follow Featured

By INDEPENDENTE July 13, 2018 789
Mr. Gastao and Marcos Mr. Gastao and Marcos

DILI: Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak says that of the 11 potential government members who have poor track record among them 2 have resigned, they are Gastao Sousa candidate for Minister of Strategic Plan and Marcos da Cruz candidate for Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries.

 Gasto will be replaced by Xanana Gusmao and Marcos will be replaced by Rogerio de Araujo Mendonsa.

"We have been tuned in to these two, others are still being discussed with President Lo Olo," Taur said in Aitarak Laran Presidential Palace, Dili on Tuesday.

 He said that the inauguration process is still not done because it is still doing loby with the President Republic.

 The Prime Minister said that there would be no political uncertainty because the President of the Republic, the Government, the National Parliament and everyone wanted the State and the Nation to build a more advanced Economy.

On the other hand, Luis Roberto from the KHUNTO Party at the National Parliament said that we have embraced President Republic's initiative that do not involve people who have corrupted in the previous government.

"If those who are imprisoned by the President of the Republic are found guilty by the  Court, the KHUNTO Party strongly support the decision of the President of the Republic, '' Luis said in the National Parliament, Dili on Tuesday.

 In the same place Joaqim dos Santos of the FRETILIN party affirms the formation of the Government under the constitutional law of article 160.1 that the President elects the Prime Minister and is inaugurated after that the Prime Minister elects the members of the government, all of them from the authority of the Constitution of East Timor.

 Therefore, President has the full right to discriminate the ministers who have poor track record. The President wants the person in office to have integrity to do good and effective work.

he hopes that prospective ministers who have personal problems with the courts should immediately be replaced because, in the CNRT party camp, PLP and KHUNTO have many who are eligible to become members of the Government, why should the Prime Minister retain those who have been useful in public, the prime minister should consider this issue.

In another Party of Inosensio Xavier of Oraganisi Associations Justice and Right (AJAR), requesting a prospective member of the Government whose name is already terterah in court must immediately resign.

He said the candidates of the Members of the Government were at the suggestion of Xanana Gusmao, therefore they could leave Xanana Gusmao to resign, and could be placed in another position pending a court decision.

 "If we keep them because they are proposed by Xanana and they still do not want to resign then they have no State interest but they are only selfish," he said.

 He said AMP Leadership should consider this because there are still many intellectuals in the AMP, give them a chance to replace those who have registered in court to improve people's lives in this country.

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