Horta Calls for Review on Budget Featured

By The INDEPENDENTE June 16, 2022 413
Timor-Leste President Jose Ramos-Horta. Timor-Leste President Jose Ramos-Horta.

Timor-Leste President Jose Ramos-Horta has asked the Court of Appeal to review the general budget, stressing the importance of prioritising funds for people most affected by natural disasters and the global economic slow-down.

Horta was speaking on June 13 as he promulgated the law on the Major Choices Plan for 2023 after it was approved by the government and parliament.

Under Timor-Leste law, the president has a right to give an opinion of the budget, although the ratification authority rests with the government and parliament.

“The president has the duty to act as one of the guardians of the constitution, as the protector of our democracy and the rule of law, and to ensure, within the limits of the law, respect and compliance with constitutional rules,” said Horta.

In particular, Horta criticised the allocation of US$1 billion for the creation of a new veterans fund out of a total budget of $3.1 billion by 2023.

The funds are part of an amendment of the budget plan in which the government added $1.12 billion to the previous plan.

Horta said that the allocation of 90 percent of the amendment budget to assist 1.75 percent of the total population does not appear fair and equitable.

“There is indeed no doubt that veterans have provided an invaluable service to our country and that we wouldn't be here today without them. But this does not mean that the budgetary allocation to them in the recent rectified budget is appropriate to achieve what the government set out to do in reducing the levels of poverty that exist in our country.”

Horta has repeatedly reiterated his commitment to eliminate malnutrition and reduce extreme poverty that affects some 40 percent of Timorese people, according to government data.

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