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Economy (31)

DILI:The Timor-Leste government has stockpiled 6.5 tones of rice at warehouses in Tibar, in an attempt to offsetpredicted drought-induced food shortages and stabalisebasic food prices.


DILI : Budget airline Citilink  kicked off regular flights from Dili to Jakarta, with a transit stop in Denpasar, on Friday.


DILI - COFFEE trees loom over a village in the hills above Dili, the capital of Timor-Leste. Though their fruit has provided income for decades, Alarico Soares De Cruz, the local headman, says the pickings are gradually growing slimmer. Some of the trees are 40 years old, he explains, and…


DILI: A portion of Timorese national police are on course to have the third consecutive month without pay amid growing calls for action about the silent issue.


CANBERRA - Timor-Leste's decision to rip up a treaty with Australia on the carve up of future revenue from Greater Sunrise oil and gas reserve in the Timor Sea could make it an "architect of its own demise", experts have told a parliamentary inquiry.


DILI – The Chinese fishing company Pingtan Marine Enterprise that has been found with 43 tons of protected shark in its catch, has not had its licence suspended Timor-Leste’s Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries said Monday.


DILI - The government rhetoric – at least most of it – is relayed in earnest. Timor-Leste’s rich underwater marine life is to be nurtured, they keep saying; the tourists it will attract an integral part in much-needed diversification of the half island’s fragile economy. As too is maintaining a…


While plans to build a major cement project in Timor-Leste have brought the welcome promise of jobs for local people, the environmental and social costs could be catastrophic.


Brisbane, Australia – Timor-Leste and Fiji based investors have purchased troubled sports apparel brand BLK from receivers.


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