President Postpones Third Government Inauguration Featured

By INDEPENDENTE August 21, 2018 245
Timor-Leste’s President Francisco  Guterres “Lu Olo” Timor-Leste’s President Francisco Guterres “Lu Olo”

DILI: Timor-Leste’s Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak has postponed the inauguration of three government members into his ministerial cabinet, citing “internal problems” within the new Alliance for Change and Progress (AMP) coalition government.

The members were due to be sworn in on Thursday 16 August.

The move comes as the government has been rocked by an on-going approval paralysis for its first state budget and state program, causing economic uncertainty across the country.

It also follows the refusal of Timor-Leste’s President Francisco “Lu Olo” Guterres to inaugurate a dozen senior government members that have been involved in corruption investigations.

In a letter sent by Ruak to Lu Olo, the Prime Minister asked the President to postpone the planned inauguration of Alfredo Pires as Minister for Natural Resources, Samuel Marçal as Minister for Strategic Investment and Planning and Rogério Mendonça as Vice Minister for Agriculture.

The last minute retraction means Timor-Leste’s ministerial cabinet has been incomplete since the first round of inaugurations on June 22.

Fedelis Mangalhaes, the Minister of Reform and Parliamentary, shrugged off concerns of a breakdown within Timor-Leste’s eighth constitutional government and its relationship with President Lu Olo.

Addressing National Parliament on Wednesday he said Ruak had “good communication” with Lu Olo.

Agio Pereira said the ministerial cabinet was the authority of the Prime Minister and President.

The senior politician told media on Wednesday he did not want to comment on his stalled inauguration.

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