President of the Republic Lu OLo has promulgated the government's organic law Featured

By INDEPENDENTE August 21, 2018 208
President of the Republic Lu OLo President of the Republic Lu OLo

DILI: The President of the Republic has officially promulgated the decreed law of the high government of constitutional base on the RDTL's law article 88 No. 4.

The President of the Republic said organic law is very important therefore I have already been promulgated so that this government can carry out its functions smoothly.
Organic law from the government with the aim of giving authority to government members to run government programs that are more efficient and effective in accordance with the existing legal corridors.
on the other hand, Prime Minister Taur MAtan Ruak said that this organic law the government has revised what the President of the Republic wants, everything is complete, therefore the President of the Republic has been promulgated, therefore organic law is a handbook for government members to carry out their functions in accordance with the law because the Government wants to work under the RDTL constitution.

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