US Ex Priest Sentenced to 12 years in Prison for Child Sex Abuse Featured

By December 21, 2021 693

PANTE MAKASAR: The Oecusse District Court on Tuesday has jailed defrocked American priest Richard Daschbach for 12 years after he was charged with sexually abusing several orphaned girls in his care.

The sexual abuse took place in Topu Honis' orphanage for young girls and boys, located in Kutet which Daschbach founded in the early 1990’s.

The trial began in February in Oecusse. Court proceedings were closed to the public, and the trial was postponed several times before concluding last month.

Responding to the ruling, Daschbach’s lawyer, Miguel Faria, said he did not accept the sentence and would coordinate with the defendant and his family to prepare an appeal.

Faria said the verdict was based on the testimony of four victims but had not considered the testimony of other witnesses.

Lawyers representing the victims from the group JU,S Juridico Social applauded the verdict but said they would also appeal.

In a statement, the group said that considering the gravity of the crimes, Daschbach should have received a maximum sentence of 30 years.

“The history written today is a bitter history for the entire nation,” the group said. “Our children were subjected to horrendous crimes for such a long time because we, as a society, were blinded by the belief that a figure as the defendant in this case would not commit such crimes against children.”

The Vatican defrocked the Pittsburgh-born priest in November 2018.

Police source confirmed to Lusa that Daschbach will be taken to Dili and should enter the prison in Becora, as soon as possible.

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