Timor-Leste Promises Digital Development Focus to 2032 Featured

By December 24, 2022 1831

DILI: Timor-Leste said it will improve digital capacity over the next ten years on measures to help individuals, government services and businesses improve their online functionality, citing the move “critical” for an inclusive economy and human and economic development.

The Council of Ministers said it would implement a National Strategic Plan for Digital Development and Information and Communication Technologies known as Timor Digital 2032 to guide the work, which will become “an integral part of the Public Administration Reform Program of the Eighth Constitutional Government of Timor-Leste.”

“It is a ten-year strategic plan to develop digital technologies and ICT, with an emphasis on their application in critical areas and with the greatest impact on human and economic development, such as the provision of government services - electronic/digital government, the inclusive economy, health, education and agriculture,” the Council of Ministers said in a statement Wednesday.

Also approved at the Council of Ministers meeting on Wednesday was a food subsidy for workers who work at the Integrated Border and Customs Posts.

“The purpose of granting this food subsidy is to compensate for the special working conditions for these workers, which are more serious than those enjoyed by most Public Administration workers.”

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