Prime Minister Ruak Rejects New Comoro Airport Design Featured

By Pedro Alves Martins July 02, 2019 753
Taur Taur

DILI: Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak has rejected a proposed design to rehabilitate Presidente Nicolau Lobato airport in Dili presented by the Japanese Ambassador in Timor-Leste, Hiroshi Minami, as “simple”, saying he wants  the international airport to be superior to the new airport in Oecusse.

The government of Japan has committed US$44 million to rehabilitate the airport.

Ruak said on Thursday that Timor-Leste must “dare to invest” in a better future, and that strong infrastructure was an important foundation.

He said he had asked Ambassador Minami to confirm if there was enough funds to deliver the government’s airport vision that includes  an upgraded terminal, control tower, platform or parking lot (apron) and taxiway. The support from Government of Japan does not include a new runway.

 “I know we are facing infrastructure problems,” Ruak said. “But we must all enjoy the results,” he said.

“I want Comoro airport to be better than the airport in Oecusse,” he said.

A memorandum on the funding, signed in May, states that work on the airport is expected to start in September and be completed by 2022.

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