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Fears for Bishop Norberto Health as Evacuation on Hold Featured

By February 03, 2017 1717
Bispo Deoseze Maliana, Norberto Amaral Bispo Deoseze Maliana, Norberto Amaral

DILI:The health of popular Bishop of the Maliana Diocese, Dom Norberto do Amaral, remains at risk with his medical evacuation to Singapore delayed for almost a week.

Barandao, the clinical director ofGuido Valadares National Hospital in Dili where Amaral has been receiving treatment, said doctor shortages in Singapore had put back the Bishop’s December 31 evacuation.

“The doctor that needs to handle our bishop is still on Chinese New Year holiday,’’ he said. 

Barandao said the Bishop’s condition remained stable, but he required further medial treatment.



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