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STAE Extend the Readjustment of Electoral until 10 of June Featured

By May 31, 2017 1487
Vise Ministru Thomas Cabral Vise Ministru Thomas Cabral

DILI:  Secretariat of Technical  Administration of Electoral (STAE) extend more the readjustment until 10 of June. The Process of readjustment of Electoral is begin from 10 of April to 10 of June.

The Vice Minister of Adminstration and Territorial Tomas Cabral says from the readadjusment and extending of electoral card is to give the oppportunities for those people who enter the 17 years just now and also give the opoortunity to the students and the other communities to change the actual electoral to follow the parliamentary ‘s election in Dili.

“ now we have exrending until 10 June so it is 15 more days for those people who want to change their electoral card and also will open on Saturday too, in our country and the abraod,’’ he said.

Do not  satisfied

Realated this readjustment of Electoral the Population Comoro Simpliso dos Santos not Satisfied because the member of STAE is only one and the Printer Machine is also very slow.

“ if the Mechine Printing Print 100 Card has to Stopped until 30 Minutes and the continue it again, whereas there are many people and new person that want to arrange their  electoral card,’’ he said.

 Lucia  Nivia  Pinto also questioned that many people come to arrange their electoral card but the Staff of STAE is only one person,’’ he said.

 Prior to this Problem  Deolindo Martins as the student want to actualize his electoral and he has wait during 3 days but the machine is not repair yet. So he was very sad about this problem.

 “ we want to actualize our electoral card to follow the election , we have been here during two days ago but the machine is not working,’’ He said in the office of Administration of Dom Aleixo, Dili, yesterday.

Rosária Orleans de Araújo from BairoPite also feels sad because the government forces them to actualize their electoral card but when we come the printing machine is not working.

 Related this problem the deputy of General Director STAE Leonardo Amaral, says that the machine is not working because it is very hot and much dust inside so we have stopped awhile and continue it again.

 “Our machine is cannot stand the hot and dust,’’ he said.

 Because of that STAE had prolong the readjustment of Electoral until 3 of June actually will close the readjustment of electoral card but we face this problem so the STAE prolong it again until June of this year. He said.

 He also inform that the readjustment of electoral card in the abroad as Portugal, Australia, Europe and South Korea   is continuing until 11 of June but some the official of registration is already back home because they had finished their working.


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Last modified on Thursday, 01 June 2017 10:40

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