COVID-19: Timor-Leste Government Approves Wage Subsidy Featured

By Camilio de Sousa April 27, 2020 1140
Ilustration photo. Ilustration photo.

DILI:The government of Timor-Leste has approved a $500 a month wage subsidy for formal workers as part of a “short-term intervention” to  address the economic impact of the coronavirus.

Under the decree – put forward by the Minister of Social Solidarity and Inclusion, Armanda Berta dos Santos – the government will provide $100 a month, for each household whose income does not exceed US$500.

The subsidy is put forward to help households as businesses slow during the pandemic, a government statement said.

Workers seeking to access the subsidy must have lodged working documents by March 31 with the Register Book (Uma Kain).

As part of the subsidy, companies will not be able to fire their employees during the state of emergency period.

Payment will be made from the month following the approval of the decree and its costs will be financed by the COVID-19 Fund.

Timor-Leste confirmed COVID-19 cases remained at 24 on Monday, with 6 recoveries, health authorities said.

Some 448 people are in quarantine across the country and a suspected 480 people await tests results.

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