COVID-19: Health Officials Urge Smokers to Quit to Reduce Risks Featured

By Camilio Sousa April 26, 2020 1433
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DILI:Health experts on Sunday urged smokers to quit to help reduce the risks of COVID-19.

Smoking can make people more susceptible to serious complications from a coronavirus infection, Dr Rui Maria de Araujo, spokesperson for the Integrated Crisis Management Centre (CIGC), told reporters.

In its updated assessment of the risks caused by the coronavirus, the European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC) includes smokers among those potentially most vulnerable to COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus.

Smokers are more susceptible to breathing complications caused by the disease, the ECDC said.

The agency cited a study by Chinese doctors which on a sample of 99 patients affected by the coronavirus found that acute smokers were more at risk of dying than elderly people.

The plea comes as Timor-Leste reported no new COVID-19 infections for the second consecutive day on Sunday.

The total number of confirmed infections is 24, with six recoveries.

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