National Parliament Approved Government's To Take Money From Petroleum Fund Featured

By Jacinto Xavier July 23, 2018 1005
The National Parliament The National Parliament

DILI: The parliament has approved a proposal from the government in the Petroleum Fund money-raising during which to finance government activities during July and August for a total of 140 million USD.

Voting done by NPs and 36 members of Parliament in a favor, 27 disagreeing and one person up stain

Vice-Minister Sara Lobo said we submitted a proposal to the National Parliament to take the money because the State's money in the government had been reduced and it was not enough to pay for all government activities to ensure the functional process of the government's machinery for 2 months.

"We ask the National Parliament to approve the Petroleum Fund money of 240 Million USD to guarantee the government next 2 months," said Sara in NPs on Friday.

She said the money would pay the salaries of Veterans, the elderly, the disabled and other important sectors of education, Health, Petroleum and others.

At the same place Fretilin fraction Francisco Miranda Branco said it is very important to take state money from Petroleum fund but not to debate in NPs, just to inform NPs because it is urgency not to do bureaucratic twisted.

"If the government has State money under $ 200 Million USD The government can take money from the Petroleum Fund, no need to debate the NPs but the government just informs NPs only because it will complicate the bureaucracy, '' said Branco.

In the other side Carmelita Monis of the CNRT Party faction says it is absolutely necessary to argue in the NPs because we all want to follow the existing rules.

"Therefore we want to ask NPS to be allowed the Petroleum Fund and then transfer to the Government‘s Account,'' she said.

Carmelita Says the Government desperately needs money because the State's money is only 20 million USD, not enough to guarantee the wheels of government.

"The government is charging $ 140 Million USD to facilitate functional government over the next two months while waiting for the new State Annual Budged," Carmelita said.


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Last modified on Tuesday, 31 July 2018 18:32

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