Ruak Collects Rubbish As Part Of New National Service Day Featured

By Artur da Luz February 27, 2019 1208
Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak

DILI: Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak led by example as he took part in a rubbish clean-up at Lecideire on Friday in the opening day of Timor-Leste’s new national service program.

The government-backed program involves monthly national clean-ups from 2pm-5m, on the last Friday of each month in an attempt rid Timor-Leste of its burgeoning rubbish problem.

Initiated by Ruak and endorsed by the Council of Ministers last Wednesday, the program is promoted as a way to encourage state and civil society members to get involved in all bodies and services of public administration by joining together to clean public spaces.

After picking up a bag of rubbish, Ruak told media it was important public servants lead by example and be part of making Dili a clean and peaceful city for all citizens who lived in it.

In a statement, Ruak has said every citizen has a “right to live in a healthy ecologically balanced environment.”

Amongst those taking part in the clean-up were members from the Timor-Leste National Police and Timor-Leste Defense Force.

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