Xanana’s resignation will not affect the stability of the Government Featured

By Jacinto Xavier August 01, 2018 190
Xanana Gusmao's Xanana Gusmao's

DILI: Xanana Gusmao's resignation from Prime Minister Advisor will not affect the Government's stability because the Government of Alliance of Change for Progress (AMP) depends on Majorities in the National Parliament.

 Minister of Legislative Reform Affairs Parliamentary Fidelis Mangalhaes said Xanana was the AMP leader and the Government was also led by AMP, led by AMP leadership, which was co-chaired by Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak.

 "This government is an AMP government led by Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak and was supported by the AMP faction in the NPs," said Fidelis in NPs on Monday.

 To ensure the stability of the government must have 33 seats in the NPs but the AMP has 34 seats in the NPs and the other two seats from UDT and FRENTE MUNDASA therefore the AMP has become 36 seats and very difficult to drop.

At the same place the President of the National Parliament Arao Noe de Jesus said Xanana's Resignation was an individual decision to choose life outside and support the AMP depending on him.

"I think he's stepping down from members of the AMP Government but not backing out of the AMP Coalition will therefore not affect the government's stability," he said.

 Arao says Xanana stepped down from government members to focus only on negotiations on the Greater Sun rise and how to pull pipe line to come to Timor Leste because the issue is so important from the other issue because it is in the national interest.

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