Tuberculosis Cases in Timor-Leste Spike, 5 Dead, Bairo Pitte Clinic Featured

By Camilio de Sousa May 06, 2021 502
tuberculosis. tuberculosis.

DILI: Cases of Tuberculosis (TB) being treated at the Bairo Pite clinic in Dili have risen to 134 in the past four months with five deaths, Muije Maia Soares, the clinic’s program manager said on Thursday.

Soares said the free clinic was working hard to treat the sick, and called on anyone

with signs of TB to contact the clinic as the disease can be treated.

Bairo Pite clinic has remained operational throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown, Soares said, enforcing strict hygiene and physical distancing standards.  

TB is caused by bacteria and usually affects the lungs.

While Antibiotics can cure it, Timor-Leste has one of the highest TB mortality rates in the world with an estimated 106 of 100,000 people dying from the disease, according to World Health Organisation data.

Soares said it was important to remain vigilant in the fight against TB, a disease he said was an entirely preventable and curable disease, but can be fatal if swift diagnosis and treatment are not given.

Health officials were not able to say exactly why the rise had occurred.

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