Timorese Remember Sisto dos Santos with Praise and Prayers Featured

By The INDEPENDENTE March 21, 2023 1261
Executive Director of Asosiasaun HAK Timor-Leste, Sisto dos Santos. Foto:Dok. Executive Director of Asosiasaun HAK Timor-Leste, Sisto dos Santos. Foto:Dok.

DILI:  With gatherings and eulogies, Timorese of all ages and backgrounds remembered Sisto dos Santos ‘Kene-Kene’ this past weekend, holding him up as a symbol of freedom, courage and humanity for the nation and its people.

At National Parliament, civil society offices, cafes and houses from Lautem to capital of Dili, hundreds offered praise and reflected on a man celebrated as a guiding light for human rights and global  beacon of integrity, action and rectitude.

Santos, Executive Director of Asosiasaun HAK Timor-Leste (Hukum, Hak Asasi dan Keadilan – Law, Human Rights and Justice) and member of the Board of Directors of the National Center Chega, IP, died on Friday at the age of 43.

Since then, Timor-Leste’s civil society, media and political scene has been gripped with an outpouring of emotion, respect and condolences for Sisto and his family.

On Friday night, Timor-Leste’s Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak reflected on “Saints Xist “Kene-Kene.”

“Our thoughts and prayers are with the families, colleagues and friends that they may find the strength and faith they need to through this particularly difficult time. Peace To Your Soul,” Ruak said on Facebook.

From Asia Justice and Rights, Asia’s largest human rights network, “Maun Sisto” was remembered as “a brave activist who dedicated his life to defending the poor and appressed.”

“He was relentless in the fight for equality, justice, and accountability,” said AJAR in a statement on Friday night.

“His human rights legacy and commitment to justice leave us a great example, and he would be sorely missed.”

In a government statement on Friday, spokesman Minister Fidelis Magalhães remembered Sisto as a “well-known activist in the fight for the promotion of human rights and justice.”

Magalhães said he  “always maintained and promoted a strong collaborative relationship with Sisto dos Santos and with national civil society,” and that his death “is a great loss for Timorese civil society, which the Government recognises to be very important for the country”.

Asosiasaun HAK was established in 1996 by a group of young Timorese and Indonesian activists, with the vision of Timorese society which has prosperity, equality and no discrimination as to human rights.

Under Sisto’s leadership, HAK has contributed significantly to the promotion of the principles of human rights throughout society and the state institutions of Timor-Leste.

Sisto dos Santos was born on September 25, 1979, in Huruleu, in the Municipality of Lautém. He is survived by his wife Nito Cardosa and four children.

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Last modified on Tuesday, 21 March 2023 15:25

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