Timor-Leste’s COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign Increases Jabs by 17%, says government

By The Independente October 20, 2021 420

DILI: More than 17 per cent of Timor-Leste’s adult population living in regional areas received a vaccine against COVID-19 during the past two weeks, authorities said, as they step up inoculation drive in hope of achieving 80% fully vaccinated level by year-end.

So far, vaccine levels in most municipalities still lag capital Dili’s 71% full vaccination level. A total of 78,165 vaccines were administered in regional areas since 30 September.

During this period, Government members travelled to all municipalities to share information about the COVID-19 vaccine and encourage people about the safety of vaccines.

Bobonaro was the municipality with the highest growth in the number of people vaccinated, with an increase of 303%, authorities said.

The municipality of Baucau follows, with a growth of 122%, with 5286 more vaccinated than in the previous week.

Ermera had an increase of 97% compared to the week before the start of the vaccination campaign with members of the Government, with 3885 more people being vaccinated than in the previous period.

The first Pfizer vaccines, designed to allow the vaccination of young people between the ages of 12 and 17, are expected to arrive in Timor-Leste on October 16, under the COVAX Mechanism. 

Daily cases continue to decrease in Dili, the epicentre of the country’s worst outbreak, as it reported just 3 new infections, down from double digits last month.

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