Some $1,000 million, the largest expenditure, will be spent on the creation of a new veteran fund.
If approved, the rectified 2022 budget will be over $3.2 billion, by far the largest in the nation's history.
It will be financed by withdrawing $2.4 billion from the Petroleum Fund, more than four times the Estimated Sustainable Income, the finance ministry said.
Other expenditures include the allotment of a 13th month $200 payment for each family (except civil servants) totally $70 mln, Uma Kbi'it Laek Plus Project ($19.1m), and scholarships for the best students in primary and secondary education ($7.5m).
- Administrative post manpower program ($7.2m)
- Coffee revitalization and Lakuten coffee subsidy ($6.4m)
- Payment of the difference in PNTL remuneration, with the new salary regime, for 4,096 beneficiaries ($5.1m).
- Construction of the Martial Arts and Ritual Arts Headquarters ($2.5m)
- Homeschooling program (eskola iha uma) ($2.1m)
- Housing subsidies for PNTL and F-FDTL ($1.9m)
- Free internet in schools ($1.1m)
- Establishing the Secretary of State for the Affairs of Overseas Workers and the Timorese Diaspora ($0.5m)
- Employment for the best university students ($0.4m)
The Government sent the proposed law and explanation to Parliament on 27 April with a request for urgent consideration, civil society group La’o Hamutuk reported.
One day after that, Committee C (Public Finances) endorsed accelerated consideration (but not the urgency of the substance) and on 29 April Parliament voted 37-20, with 2 abstentions, for an expedited process.