Timor-Leste Government Stands Firm on Gas Pipeline Proposal Featured

By Artur da Luz July 28, 2018 1293
Fidelis Fidelis

DILI: The construction of Timor-Leste’s controversial and first Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) processing plant and pipeline from the Timor Sea remains a priority for the new Alliance for Change and Progress (AMP) coalition government, amid talks of a change in Woodside’s Petroleum’s stance to process gas in Australia.

Legislative Reform Minister, Fidelis Mangalhaes, said AMP was committed to winning over Woodside and building the LNG plant on Timor-Leste’s southern coast.

The original Woodside Sunrise joint venture concept was to send the gas to the existing Bayu-Undun pipeline and on to the Darwin LNG plant.

 "The government will keep all the promises that have been presented in the electoral campaign," Mangalhaes said.

The call comes as former President Dr Ramos-Horta told the Australian this week that his government sources were telling him the decision was likely to land in Timor-Leste’s favour.

“From my understanding, the Timor-Leste government will is reasonably confident, and optimistic that an agreement will be reached to bring the pipeline to Timor-Leste,” Horta told the Australian.

Timor-Leste and Australia and have long fought over maritime boundaries in the Timor Sea  - a dispute that was recently settled – as well as whether gas from Greater Sunrise gas fields should be piped to Timor-Leste or Australia, which would affect the revenue split. 

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