Timor-Leste Extends Most Sanitary Fences and Bolsters Vaccination Campaign Featured

By Mariano Mendonca June 10, 2021 531
Timor-Leste Extends Most Sanitary Fences and Bolsters Vaccination Campaign. Timor-Leste Extends Most Sanitary Fences and Bolsters Vaccination Campaign.

DILI: Timor-Leste on Wednesday has agreed to maintain its sanitary fences in Dili, Baucau, Bobanaro and Covalima, remove the one in Viqueque, while also strengthening its vaccination campaign against the fast-moving coronavirus.

In a statement, the government said the decision was made by the Council of Ministers after a review of the presentation of the country's epidemiological situation by the coordinators of the Situation Room of the Integrated Center for Crisisis Management (IGC).

The Government ′′ maintains the imposition of health fence in the municipality of Baucau for another 7 days … decided not to renew the imposition of health fence in the municipality of Viquequeque ′′ and to determine that ′′ the imposition of a sanitary fence continues to be in force health fences in the municipalities of Bobonaro, Covalima and Dili ".

′′The prohibition on movement of persons between the Baucau municipality and the other administrative districts is maintained, except in cases duly justified for reasons of public safety, public health, humanitarian assistance, maintenance of public supply systems or of interest public ", the statement said.

Also in the meeting, a commitment to bolster the nation’s vaccination campaign was made.

Vaccines remain a critical part of the government’s strategy to control COVID-19 in Timor-Leste.

“The Prime Minister has called on Commission members (...) to intensify the implementation of vaccination to increase the daily average of administered vaccines ", the statement said.

′′ The Government has appealed to the entire population to participate in the immunization campaign, a factor that will be determining so that we can return to normalcy,” said Armanda Berta dos Santos of the national COVID-19 taskforce vaccination plan.

As of Tuesday, some 93,525 people in Timor-Leste had received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, which accounts for 12% of the population over 18.

Timor-Leste is using both AstraZeneca and Sinovac vaccines, with China donating 100,000 doses of their Sinovac vaccines this week.

The vaccination plan predicts that the first dose will continue to be given in Dili where the virus is most concentrated, the statement said.

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