Stahl’s Ashes to Rest in Timor-Leste Featured

By The Independente December 19, 2021 501

DILI: The final ashes of Max Stahl, Timor-Leste’s freedom hero and courageous truth-telling friend, will rest in Timor-Leste.

Stahl died of throat cancer aged 66 on 27 October almost 30 years after capturing images of the Indonesian massacre at Santa Cruz cemetery in the Timor-Leste capital Dili, which helped accelerate the country’s struggle for independence.

His ashes returned to Dili on Friday where they were ceremoniously received by senior leaders of the country including Jose Ramos Horta, Xanana Gusmao and Fidelis Leite Magalhaes as President of Council of the Ministers.

"We are standing here now and living in a comfortable situation with our country’s independence as a result of (Max Stahl’s) hi service to promote our situation to the world,” Magalhaes said of Stahl and his significance to Timorese people.

Stahl’s ashes will stay in Timor-Leste, keeping alive in the hearts and minds of many in Timor-Leste who honour him as a “true hero” to the county.

Born 6 December 1954 in the United Kingdom and Timorese citizen since 2019 the documentary- maker will rest in the graves where he filmed the massacre.

Stahl received the necklace of the Order of Timor-Leste, the highest award given to foreign citizens in the country.

He leaves as a legacy one of the most important archives of images from the final years of Indonesian occupation of Timor-Leste and the years after the independence referendum.

Stahl is survived by his wife, Dr Ingrid Bucens and four children.

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