New Dili Bridge Commemorates Former Indonesian President’s Role in TL Independence Featured

By Pedro Alves September 04, 2019 997
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DILI: Former President of Timor-Leste, Jose Ramos Horta, has opened a bridge in Dili, that has been named after Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie, for his role in granting a referendum of independence to Timor-Leste during his presidency of Indonesia from 1998-1999.

The 78 metre bridge  (USD$3.9 mn) bridge is in Bidai Motok Laran.

Opening the bridge on Thursday, Horta praised the government’s name decision, declaring that it reflected  “good character” and  “strong bilateral relations between Timor-Leste and its neighbour Indonesia.”

He said Habibie had shown “courage” to go against the Indonesian military and push a referendum vote in Timor-Leste, a decision he declared if had not ocurred would not have resulted in Timor-Leste’s independence at the time.

Habibie had led negotiations with Kofi Anan, then Secretary General of the United Nations, that paved the path for the historic vote.

Horta also congratulated Xanana Gusmão – who he said was behind the name choice, and Salvador Eugenio Soares dos Reis Pires, the Minister for Public Works, agreed as he also paid his respect to Habibie’s contribution to Timor-Leste’s independence.

Pires said: "This is a very important stage in strengthening bilateral relations between Timor -Leste and Indonesia for all sectors, and this can also contribute to peace and stability in the ASEAN region."

The landmark vote in 1999, in which 78.5% of Timorese chose independence from Indonesia was the culmination of 24 years of occupation by Jakarta and, before that, hundreds of years of colonial rule by Portugal.

On Friday 30 August, Timor-Leste celebrated 20 years since the independence vote took place.

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