Luta Hamutuk Calls for Flood Aid for Thousands Featured

By The INDEPENDENTE February 24, 2022 545

DILI: Lead civil society organisation Luta Hamutuk has called for action on promises from the Timorese government to support thousands affected by catastrophic floods in and around the Dili capital twelve months ago, warning that many were living in unsafe conditions.

After more than a month’s worth of rain was dumped on Dili on 4 April 2021, entire areas were submerged around Dili, with some 2,000 people reported in need of flood relief according to Joaquim Gusmao the Secretary of Civil Protection.

Officials at the time promised to distribute emergency house packages to replace lost goods and support house repair.

Disaster chiefs said the top priority was to help the thousands people affected by the foods, but acknowledged emergency supplies had run out and funds to buy more had not been released.

“We have helped many people, however more than 2,000 people have yet to receive their emergency assistance,” Gusmao told the Independente.

In the riverside areas around Hera, where a large community was inundated , some residents remain living in unsafe housing prone to regular flooding.

“A year after the flood and no action, it indicates that there is no commitment from the government to support the victims of flood,” said Jose Alves Costa, Executive Director of Luta Hamutuk.

“They must accelerate support and respect the dignity of citizens.”

Alves said many of the homes flooded last year were impacted again by floods on 21 January 2022 that destroyed a two houses.

The number of people that had been evacuated in this week’s flood in Dili was 203, according to Mario Barreto, Administrator of the administrative Post of Dom Alexo in Dili

Barreto called for action on prohibiting people from building  houses near flood prone rivers.

“It’s very important that people are more cautious as flooding can happen  rapidly and at any time,” he said.

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