Gusmão Says CNRT Will Play Responsible Role in Opposition Featured

By Camilio Sousa May 24, 2020 1025
Xanana Gusmao. Foto Jonio da Costa/INDEPENDENTE Xanana Gusmao. Foto Jonio da Costa/INDEPENDENTE

DILI: The leader of the National Congress for Reconstruction (CNRT), one of the biggest groups in parliament, said on Saturday the party will not continue as a member of the coalition government but intends to play a responsible role in opposition.

The declaration provides a greenlight for a governing bloc of Fretilin, Khunto and the People’s Liberation party to govern until 2023.

After meeting of the CNRT faction, Xanana Gusmão told reporters his party would move to opposition, but stressed the party would continue to work in the interests Timorese people.

The announcement follows a chaotic week in National Parliament, where police were called to reinstate calm as CNRT members tried to avert a vote that eventually led to the ousting of one of their own, President – or Speaker – Arão Noé Amaral.

The relationship between CNRT - the party that received the most votes in the 2018 election – and President of the Republic Francisco Lú-Olo Guterres, of Fretilin, has been under strain.

Earlier this month CNRT submitted a second petition to the Court of Appeal, questioning the constitutionality of several actions by the President in recent months that was rejected.

Gusmão said CNRT accepted the decision of the court but stressed their concerns remained.

In particular, CNRT has argued the President should have dissolved parliament once the 2020 General State Budget had stalled for 60 days.

“This is] not to question Mr Lú-Olo, but [we] must defend the constitution of the Republic of Timor-Leste, and everyone respects the law,” Gusmão said in a press conference on April 30.

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