Four Street Vendor Protestors Injured as Police Open Fire Featured

By Team Independente April 04, 2019 665
Four Street Vendor Protestors Injured as Police Open Fire Four Street Vendor Protestors Injured as Police Open Fire

DILI: Four people have been injured in Dili after police sprayed protestors with tear gas who had been calling for the government to reverse a new law that prohibits street vendors selling in public places.

The vendors, who had gathered on Tuesday with goods they sold in front of National Parliament, prompting members of the Timor-Leste National Police (PNTL) task special force unit to open fire.

The catalyst for the protest was the government’s decision to ban street vendors selling in public places and on the edge of roads in Dili from 11 March, 2019.

A spokesman for the street vendors, Constantino de Jesus, said the group had gathered only to submit a letter to National Parliament asking for the law to be changed.

 "We came here only to submit our petition letter and then return home,” Jesus said.

“But suddenly PNTL come and fired us with tear gas.”

Alexandre da Costa, the Chief of Security at National Parliament, said gatherings of more than two people were prohibited within the vicinity of National Parliament.

He said two people were allowed to enter Parliament to submit a petition.

The Vice President of National Parliament, Luis Roberto, addressing parliament immediately after the violence, issued a call for calm from the police, condemning their response as “anarchist” towards “innocent people.”

"PNTL must handle the problem with professionalism and not be brutal to civilian people," Roberto said.

Roberto criticised the heavy-handed police tactics saying that police must first inform citizens in breach of demonstration rules to move before using their weapons.

Abel Pires, member of the People’s Liberation Party, said street vendors were the victim and called for the government to listen to them.

"I hear that they have a problem with their business. Do not chase them out of Dili because what they sell sustains their families and that is something we are all trying to do," he said.

An observer said the incident happened because of poor coordination between PNTL officers and security at National Parliament.

Mateus Fernandes, Deputy Commissioner of PNTL, defended his officer’s actions as in line with protest rules.

Fernandes said if an officer had injured someone then the incident must be reported and investigated.

"If we find that a PNTL member has made a mistake then they must be held responsible in front of the law,” he said

Filomeno Paixao, the Minister of Defense and Security, told media on Tuesday that the use of weapons by PNTL and Timor-Leste Defence Force members must be regulated.

“Universal regulation is always to prevent firing. If we shoot then it must only be the last choice,” Paixao said.

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