Defence Force to Recruit 600 New Members by 2020 Featured

By Domingos Gomes September 16, 2019 2674
Defence Force. Photo INDEPENDENTE Defence Force. Photo INDEPENDENTE

DILI: Timor-Leste Defence Force (FFDTL) has announced plans to recruit 600 new members by 2020 in readiness to send military personnel on United Nations peacekeeping missions abroad.

“We hope that in the near future we will send several FFDTL members to take part in the UN Mission abroad, '' Deputy Commander Domingos Raul "Falur Rate Laek told the Independente.

Raul said that FFDTL members had “profound abilities,” such as being multilingual, surveillance and conflict technical training as well as “many officers” being highly educated at a master’s degree level.

The UN currently has 81,453 peacekeepers – of which 5,243 are women – as of June 2019, from 121 countries.

South Asian countries have traditionally been top providers for peacekeepers.

India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh are all in the top five, and Nepal is sixth in terms of peacekeepers, according to UN reports.

Almost all of their peacekeepers are deployed on missions in the African continent.

Raul said the force also wanted to increase its size to bolster domestic security.

He said the recruitment drive would start in October 2020, with an emphasis on attracting women as well as male officers.

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