Cause of Timorese youth strange behavior on flight unknown Featured

By Ligia Noronha May 08, 2018 820
Polisia kaer hela traballahor Timor-Leste ba Korea iha Aeroportu Internasional, Dili Polisia kaer hela traballahor Timor-Leste ba Korea iha Aeroportu Internasional, Dili

DILI: The reason behind the strange behavior of a Timorese youth that had him kicked off a plane in Dili, remains a mystery according to Nivio Mangalhaes, the Secretary of State for Youth and Employment (SEJT).

On May 3, “MM” was set to travel with 25 other Timorese youth to start work on the Australian and Timor-Leste government joint seasonal workers program.

Before take off MM allegedly became agitated, started shouting, smoking and physically struck a flight attendant who urged him to wear his seatbelt.

MM was taken off the plane and sent to hospital for medical check-ups.

In a statement given to the media, MM said he was unaware of his behavior.

He said he had flown repeatedly before having been a student in Indonesia,

Mangalhaes said MM has received full medical clearance during the work program assessment. He denied reports that MM had struck the flight attendant and was smoking on the plane.

Mangalhaes said in future mental health checks would be included in the program assessment. 

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