Alkatiri Will Ready To Pay The State‘s Debt Featured

By Artur da Luz December 20, 2017 995
Alkatiri Alkatiri

DILI: The Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri said, if the additional budged not approved by the opposition party, he will respond the consequence.

Alkatiri said, he will ready to find the solution and how to pay the debt which is left by the anterior ‘s government.

He says that we will face the financialcrisis,the population will find the difficulties about the foot security.

Because of that he calls to all population in Timor Leste don’t just depending to the State‘s budged but we have to effort ourselves to making life of each families. Said  Alkatiri

“I thank to the opposition party because they don’t want to approve the additional budged, but they had  give me a good condition to improve, said Prime Minister on Friday last 3 days ago in Net Women office in Dili.

He says as the head of the government are ready to achieve the challenges that the Alliance Majority of Parliamentary (AMP) did to this government whereas, all people have known that the additional budged is to pay the debt which is left by the anterior‘s government

The Prime Minister declared that the state‘s budged now have 70 Millions only, this money will utilize to pay the debt of Companies, pay the Contract State employment. Said Alkatiri.

He calls to all population maintain in peace to commemorate the Mary Christmas and Happy New Year is coming.

“I thank to the opposition party because they have gave me the strong political and Moral but I will effort to pay the all the debt,”he said.

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