Alkatiri has been leading the multi-million dollar development project since 2014.
He also said he would prefer to end his contract early if political interests continued to interfere with the running of the project.
“ "If there is no balance between the President of the Republic, the Government and the National Parliament on RAEOA's work responsibilities, choose other people, I also rush to rest,” Alkatiri said in National Parliament on Thursday.
On June 17, the Alliance of Change for Progress (AMP) coalition government announced in a statement that it had proposed to the Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak, not to renew Alakatiri’s mandate as President of RAEOA and the Special Zone the Social Economy of Market (ZEESM).
The statement did not include justification for the decision but said the position had been unanimously approved by members of the AMP.
“The AMP reaffirms its position to comply with the 2018 electoral commitment, in order not to renew the mandate of the current president of RAEOA. We appeal to Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak to inform the President of the decision,” read the document.
The comments came as Maria Fernanda Lay, Chairman of Commission C, called on Alkatiri to clarify financial statements submitted to National Parliament about RAEOA.
Lay said USD$239 million had been allocated to the Oecusse development project in 2017, but this figure had risen to USD$246 million in the new report.
Alkatiri has said he stands by the financial accountability of the Oecusse project.