Police and Military To Step Up Village Patrols In Joint Anti-Crime Campaign Featured

By Artur da Luz February 15, 2019 1381
Minister of Defence and Security,  Filomeno Paixao. FOTO: INDEPENDENTE Minister of Defence and Security, Filomeno Paixao. FOTO: INDEPENDENTE

DILI: Police and military patrols of Timorese communities are to be stepped up amid heightened concern about risk of criminal activity, Timor-Leste’s Minister of Defence and Security has said.

Filomeno Paixao said officials had reviewed the criminal threat to Timor-Leste and decided that protection of communities should be increased.

Paixoa said many people were afraid to leave their homes at night, fearful of their personal security.

To support the campaign, Paixoa said he had ordered Timor-Leste National Force (FFDTL) commander Major General Lere Anan Timur and the Commander Timor Leste National Police (PNTL) Commissioner Julio Hornai to immediately disperse more officers into the field.

As well as increase in visibility of police and security force members, Paixoa said steps would be taken to conduct routine on-foot inspections of homes and road-side vehicle inspections in search of illegal weapons. 


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